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Retention Services

Attracting and retaining a powerful workforce

MRA's Tools & Expertise

Talent attraction, retention, and turnover can dramatically impact your bottom line. The competitiveness of your business is directly correlated to your talent strategy since great employees are an investment in your company's success.

Learn what attracts top performers to your organization, what motivates them to stay, and why they leave. MRA's expertise and tools are available to help your organization identify and prioritize key focus areas. Our data solutions give you the information needed to execute a plan that delivers organizational value.

We offer the following retention tools:

Retention Services Tools Chart
  • Talent Strategy Assessment

    Our proactive and holistic Talent Strategy Assessment helps your organization identify areas that can bring the most return on investment as you link your talent and business strategy. Whether you are beginning your journey or looking to continuously improve, our expertise can highlight options for impact. What should your organization start, stop, or continue doing to achieve results?

  • Candidate Experience Survey

    According to CareerBuilder's 2017 Candidate Experience Study, “As many as 4 out of 5 candidates (78 percent) say the overall candidate experience they receive is an indicator of how a company values its people.” Source

    MRA can identify areas to set your organization apart – as a sought-after employer – for attracting, recruiting, and hiring top talent. Measuring the candidate experience helps identify areas to focus on when attracting top talent. Understand an applicant’s perceptions from researching the job opening to accepting the job offer. Why was the candidate rejected for the position? Has the experience left the candidate likely to reapply to a future position? This survey measures perceptions from both hired and rejected applicants.

  • Quality-of-Hire Report Card

    Did you know that within the first 18 months of employment, up to 40 percent of new hires quit their jobs?

    The Quality-of-Hire Report Card measures your ROI for the individual hired. We expect people to be productive in their roles faster than ever before. Our business pace is fast, and we don't have time to wait for long onboarding and ramp-up times. Quality hires dramatically increase your competitiveness in today's business world.

    While organizations agree it is an important metric, there are not a lot of standards in place for measuring. Whether an organization is small, medium, or large, we can provide cost-effective measurement tools.

  • New Hire Interview or Survey

    Has it become more or less difficult to hire staff in your industry?

    Retention Services Hiring Staff Chart

    1% Less Difficult to Hire
    24% No Change
    75% More Difficult to Hire

    Source: 2018/2019 Pay Trends & Talent Strategies Survey

    According to MRA's 2018/2019 Pay Trends & Talent Strategies Survey, 75% of member companies reported that it has become more difficult to hire for their industries. Despite this daunting statistic, there are ways to dramatically improve your odds. Employee retention starts on day one. Uncover issues that can lead to costly and unwanted turnover. New Hire Interviews or Survey insights can help you quickly and accurately determine key issues to address and also help you develop new hires into long-term, productive employees.

  • Stay Interview or Survey

    According to MRA’s 2023 Turnover Survey, the top three reasons an employee voluntarily leaves an organization are an improved salary, a similar job at another employer, and a career change.

    Conducting stay interviews is a proactive approach to retain top talent. Gather data that provides your organization with actionable information to help reduce the chance of unexpected or regrettable turnover. Make changes as necessary to build and sustain a high-performing, high-retention workforce. MRA specializes in assisting employers in setting up an in-house program that produces high-quality results. We recommend that you have a third party conduct your stay interviews until you have a culture and processes in place that support this initiative.

  • Exit Interview or Survey

    The cost of replacing an employee ranges from six months' salary for an hourly employee to 18 months' salary for a professional employee.

    Losing standout employees is never easy, but learning the reasons behind their departures is invaluable. Leveraging data from an exit interview or survey can help you to influence strategic plans and big-picture decisions for continuous improvement. A neutral third party can capture the candid feedback in confidence.

We're Here to Help

Using one-on-one interviews and online surveys, MRA's experts can assist you. We ask the right questions, interpret the data, and offer valuable insights to help you build an effective talent retention strategy. Unlock the knowledge to help attract and retain top talent and reduce the high cost of turnover.

MRA’s Engagement Survey team provided professional, proactive, knowledgeable, and insightful guidance throughout the survey process.

Michele Vukovic, Corporate Central Credit Union

Let's Talk!

To find out more about the services we offer, or to speak with a specialist about your specific needs, complete this form and one of our experts will reach out to you shortly.

Can’t wait? Call us now at 800.488.4845.