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Labor Relations

MRA Labor Relations experts – turning complex issues into clear solutions

Labor Relations & Unions

MRA has been the standard for management of employee relations for over 10 decades. Our seasoned labor relations professionals have experience in corporate environments and as independent practitioner, and have functioned as employer advocates in the collective bargaining process. We have the experience to provide you with efficient and cost-effective labor relations expertise.

  • Experience and Excellence

    Experience and Excellence

    As a multi-industry employers' association, our dedicated labor relations professionals are experienced in private and public sector collective bargaining trends, including negotiation of multi-employer pension and welfare plans. We have assisted numerous employers in closures and acquisitions, with renegotiation of traditional collective bargaining agreements. Our experts are current with applicable labor laws, National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) proceedings, and the practical day-to-day interactions between employers and their workforce. We have the expertise you need to successfully navigate complex issues while maintaining positive employer-employee relations.

  • Collective Bargaining Services

    Collective Bargaining Services

    Our Labor Relations experts work on all aspects of contract negotiations and contract administration.

    • Developing bargaining objectives and strategy
    • Advising management in the bargaining process
    • Acting as negotiator and primary spokesperson for the management team
    • Analyzing employment data and costing of employer bargaining objectives
    • Structuring proposals and solutions to guide management to successful conclusions
  • Related Services

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Can’t wait? Call us now at 800.488.4845.