Empty Office Space

Managing COVID Absences in 2021 - Peer Learning Circles

Live Webinar
Paid Sick Leave
Time Away From Work

Location & Dates


December 18, 2020



8:30 - 9:30 a.m.


10:00 - 11:00 a.m.


The FFCRA and CARES Act expire December 31, 2020. With COVID cases, exposures, and employee absenteeism at an all-time high, employers are looking for direction on managing COVID leaves of absence in the new year. In the absence of guidance from the US department of labor, join other MRA members to share your ideas and creative solutions for planning, preparing and transitioning your practices and policies in 2021. Please attend MRA’s peer learning circle to hear viable options for handling COVID absences in the new year. Hear what other employers are doing to keep business open and employees safe and healthy.


Fee: $25 Member/$45 Nonmember

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