Ashley Gomez

Ashley Gomez

Member Relations Manager
Member Relations
If you only do what you can do, then you’ll never be more than you are now.
Master Shifu, “Kung Fu Panda 3”

People don’t grow within their comfort zones. Ashley understood this early on and committed herself to a life of trying new things and taking on new challenges. This resulted in a rapid growth of skill sets, diversified experience, and high adaptability. This allows her to excel at everyday work duties while assisting with special projects as needed. She’s especially motivated when she can help others and when she can learn something new.


Ashley excels in organization, networking, problem solving, and planning. She has developed a passion for operations improvement, training and development, as well as recruitment and retention. She leads with a people-first approach, which is exemplified by her compassion and understanding of others.

Key Accomplishments

  • Promoted four times with previous employers for merit-based performance
  • Recruited new membership for a small nonprofit organization, yielding an increase of $1,500 in funds per year, which went back into the local community
  • Traveled solo in Japan for a month in 2019


Ashley earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in general studies from Western Illinois University with minors in business management, psychology, and law enforcement and justice administration.