Minnesota Sample Drug Testing Policy

Drugs & Alcohol

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XYZ Company (the "Company") believes in and is committed to providing a safe working environment that is free from the harmful effects of alcohol and drugs. This policy applies generally to everyone who works for the Company in any capacity except where otherwise indicated herein. Compliance with this policy is required as a condition of employment or continued employment with the company.

All employees who are required to undergo testing in connection with federal or state laws and/or regulations (e.g., Department of Transportation, Department of Defense, or nuclear industry) or in connection with the Company’s capacity as a federal contractor or subcontractor are subject to random, pre-employment, pre-placement, post-accident, reasonable suspicion, return-to-duty, and follow-up testing. The specific requirements for testing are governed by regulations promulgated by the governing entity. New employees and current employees who are appointed to such covered positions shall receive a copy of the Testing Plan within fourteen (14) days of appointment to that position.

To ensure this policy is clearly communicated to all employees and applicants to whom offers of employment have been made and to comply with state law, employees and applicants are required to review this policy and sign the "policy acknowledgment." A job applicant will also acknowledge in this form that he/she understands that passing the drug test is a requirement of the job.

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