The Essential Elements of a Safety Policy

Safety & OSHA
Strategic Planning

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Fewer injuries, improved morale, and greater productivity are key reasons to create a safety policy. With OSHA’s focus on onsite audits and enforcement related to workplace injuries and illnesses, there is a definite business case for you to have a safety policy that is comprehensive and current with OSHA standards and best practices.

The specific elements of an organization’s safety policy will depend upon the nature of the business and any specific risks that relate to that business. Generally, manufacturers and others where the work is physical will have more detailed and specific safety policies than companies that employ mostly office workers. When reviewing your safety policy, include an analysis of any unique safety exposures your employees encounter when performing their jobs and make sure your safety policies address those exposures.

While the safety policy for an office environment may consist of one document, it is likely that workplaces with more risks will have a general safety policy and multiple supplementary safety policies that each address a specific safety concern.

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