
Fall Featured Event

Conferences & Events
Engagement & Retention
Organization Development

Location & Dates

Conference Details

  • Overview


    Now What? 2023 Economic & Market Outlook

    Wednesday, November 2, 2022
    8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
    In person at MRA’s Conference Center in Waukesha, Wisconsin & Virtual

    Following two black swan events in two years – what is next? The US and global economy had not recovered from the pandemic when the energy crisis was triggered by the Ukraine war. Add in the supply chain collapse and the inevitable labor shortage as Boomers retired and you have the recipe for inflation, threat of recession and the like. Where are we at the end of 2022 and what can we expect in 2023? Join us as we consider:

    • What the key leading indicators are telling us.
    • The outlook for the market segments most important to your industry.
    • What you should consider as you begin your 3, 5, and 7-year planning.

    Cost: $75 Member / $100 Nonmember

    HR recertification credits applied for.

  • Agenda


    8:00 - 8:30 a.m. Registration and Breakfast
    8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Economic Session
    9:30 - 10:00 a.m. Q&A
  • Speaker


    Chris Kuehl

    Dr. Chris Kuehl
    Economist, Armada Corporate Intelligence

    Dr. Chris Kuehl is a Managing Director of Armada Corporate Intelligence. He provides forecasts and strategic guidance for a wide variety of corporate clients around the world. He is the chief economist for several national and international organizations. Prior to starting Armada in 1999 he was a professor of economics and finance for 15 years – teaching in the US, Hungary, Russia, Estonia, Singapore and Taiwan. He holds advanced degrees in economics, Soviet studies and East Asian studies.

    Chris is the writer/editor of Business Intelligence Briefs and a writer for the Black Owl Report – both publications from Armada. He is an economic analyst for the Armada Strategic Intelligence System and is responsible for the Credit Manager’s Index from NACM as well Fabrinomics from the FMA.

  • Sponsorship


    Sponsoring MRA events is a tremendous opportunity to bring your message of business value to our growing membership of organizations HR professionals and business leaders. Our members represent all industries including manufacturing, service, distribution, finance and health care! 80% of event attendees are new at each event offering you the opportunity to network with new contacts. We are very excited about the event this year and hope you can join us!

    For more information on sponsorship and exhibit booths, call Kim Mitschke at 262.696.3505 or [email protected].

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